jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

   The concept of technology: It is a term that has received a lot of definitions. But according to Kumar et. (1999), technology has 2 elementary complements the first one is physical component which talks about tooling, equipment, blueprints, techniques, and process. And the second one; the component of knowing the management, marketing, production, quality control, reability, skilled labor and functional areas.

ICTs in Education: Nowadays it is a new challenge to incorporate ICTs into education. But it is something that most teacher have deal with; it is good to go beyond the same pedagogical theories, and find solutions that can help into the classroom, and students’ learning process.

The use of Technology in English Teaching and Learning: I think English and technology have always been related to each other. First because English teacher usually work on audios or multimedia material, so starting from that point it is connected, and Singhal (1997) supports that during the sixties and seventies of the last century English language learning laboratories were being used in different educational institutions; and the traditional room contains a cabinets for each student, a microphone and a headphone so that the teacher interacts with the students throughout this material.

 The Advantages of Information Technology in Teaching English: Undoubtedly teaching must go beyond the traditional classes that sometimes get boring. And knowing about technology while being an English teacher is something essential due to there are a lot of resources that facilitate teaching and they can get involved with the classes but most of them require of pre-knowledge of technology. Firstly it helps the teachers and students to get an easy access wherever they are and check the material they need. Also having libraries online help students to study in a very comfortable way, and of course it does require knowing at least a bit of technology.


The Impact of Using Technology: Some years ago technology has taken a very important place in today’s human society development; actually technology is advancing more than human beings. And taking into account that now it lives among us, it is quite necessary to get used to live with it. Ideally students should get some basic information about New technology which includes communication techniques for language teaching in which personal computers have an important role (Davies & Hewer, 2012). Anyway there are more resources that can be used instead of a computer but in order to they can be able to use these tools they have to be familiar with the usage of ICTs.

Sazali, A; Raduan, C; Idayu, S (2012). Defining the Concepts of Technology and Technology Transfer: A Literature Analysis. National Defence University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Badhana, B (2012). Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in Enhancing Teaching and Learning. India: Jammu.
Solanski, D (2012). The use of technology in English language teaching and learning”: an analysis. IPEDR vol.33.Singapore.
Rodinadze & Zarbazoia (2012). The advantages of information technology in teaching English language. Frontiers of language and teaching, vol. 3. Batumi, Georgia.

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